Get Involved

There are many ways to get invovled, and all of them make a big difference. Below are some options to consider. If there is something you'd like to do that is not there, please let us know.

Become a sponsor

Kids Voting is totally reliant on the public and corporate contributions to bring this important civic engagement program to our children. To learn more about how you or your company can support Kids Voting, Click Here.


Make a video

Make a video about the importance of being engaged in the voting experience, and upload it to the Kids Voting YouTube site.


Youth at the Booth

Attention High School Juniors and Seniors:  Public Service Opportunity

Be an Election Clerk or Machine Inspector on Election Day.  Learn about the election process, provide a valuable community service...and get paid!


Volunteer your time

Kids Voting is a volunteer driven organization. It's one of the ways we can get so much done with very few resources. If you'd like to get invovled, let us know.







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